Sunday 31 May 2020

Suitable drink in the morning

Suitable drink in the morning

A hot drink can relieve drowsiness and give energy for daily activities. Hot drinks are the best option. In traditional medicine, there are two types of hot drinks; Actual hot and potential hot.

A real hot drink physically conveys the feeling of warmth. Like all hot brews, the heat is palpable. Tea is also the most popular and most common morning drink. Milk - provided it is heated - is also classified in this category.

The other type, the potential hot drink, has a warm temperament but can also have a real (hot) feature. Like cinnamon tea or ginger tea.

If you want to drink coffee, this is the best time for breakfast. In other words, if you are going to drink coffee, be sure to do it in the morning. Because coffee keeps you strong. For this reason, in ancient times, coffee was used to treat some physical ailments. Due to the fact that coffee was not cultivated in Iran and was imported from other lands, it was called Western medicine. But remember, you shouldn't drink coffee with milk; Because if it is combined with milk, it will be harmful, for example, it will cause spots on the skin.

It is forbidden to drink all kinds of juices.

Apple cider vinegar as a natural deodorant can reduce body odor by removing bacteria

. Apple Cider Vinegar: Bacteria cannot survive at low pH, so using apple cider vinegar as a natural deodorant can reduce body odor by removing bacteria. To smell the underarms, clean the underarm area once a day with diluted apple cider vinegar.

White vinegar: The smell of vinegar disappears a few minutes after use, but your body is odorless all day long.

. Baking soda: Baking soda powder kills bacteria and helps absorb sweat. You can also use corn powder or a mixture of baking soda to better absorb sweat.

‌ Salvia tea: This plant reduces excessive sweating. Pour 1.5 teaspoons of dried sage into a cup of hot water and wait for 10 minutes, then drink it.

Thursday 28 May 2020

Cherries increase metabolism and help digest food better.

As the exam season approaches, force your children to use cherries to boost their peace of mind and focus more so that they both reduce their stress and have a good night's sleep. People who are nervous, aggressive, and stressed quickly should include cherries in their daily routine; Because this fruit can relax the nerves by producing the hormone of happiness. Cherries also increase metabolism and help digest food better. If you are one of those people who consume a lot of meat, use cherries to make your blood alkaline if it is thick.

Therapeutic benefits of cucumber for the skin 2020

Cucumbers have many properties, but some have mistakenly ruled out the existence of this delicious fruit from their diet list. It is interesting to know that people who are very thirsty or have kidney problems, especially kidney stones or constipation, it is better to use cucumber during the day.

Experts recommend that people avoid consuming it late at night due to the intensification of urination. Water makes up 95% of cucumbers, so consuming it to quench your thirst. Cucumber skin contains a lot of vitamin C, and consuming its decoction continuously and three days in a row will be an effective remedy for jaundice.

Therapeutic benefits of cucumber for the skin

Peeling a cucumber ring and placing it on the skin will eliminate facial wrinkles. If you are one of those people who suffer from oily skin, boil the cucumber and wash your face with boiled cucumber juice.

Dermatologists claim that cucumber ointment is very important to prevent itching, bee stings, superficial burns and skin irritations. People with sunburn should put cucumber ointment on their skin and lubricate it with olive oil to save them from this problem.

Cucumber seeds are soothing, hypnotic, anti-worm, blood purifier, turmeric, urate solvent, uric acid and polish; Its extract also works wonders to improve gastrointestinal disorders, improve poisoning and relieve nausea.

Eating cucumbers before meals helps to better digest it. Nutritionists recommend consuming vegetables to lactating women, but be careful that these vegetables, especially cucumbers, do not cause bloating and gastrointestinal pain in children.

Wednesday 27 May 2020

people with Blood pressure should eat watermelon

Blood pressure eat watermelon

Hello / Some people consider watermelon to be an insignificant summer snack, but the benefits of this fruit are beyond imagination.

One of the major risk factors for heart disease and stroke is high blood pressure.

Fortunately, adding watermelon to your diet can play an important role in controlling this risk factor. Researchers' assessment of the effects of watermelon consumption on blood pressure shows interesting results.

According to the American Journal of Hypertension, regular consumption of watermelon for six weeks lowers blood pressure and improves blood vessel function.

This effect is related to a special substance called L-citrulline in watermelon, which is converted to L-arginine in the body. L-Arginine is a blood pressure lowering drug that relaxes blood vessels.

Monday 25 May 2020

This vegetable also lowers blood cholesterol and lowers blood sugar levels

"This vegetable also lowers blood cholesterol and lowers blood sugar levels," Shojaei said.

He mentioned the antioxidant, antimicrobial and inhibitory properties of platelet aggregation as other properties of valerian, adding that valerian can be useful for cardiovascular problems.

"Although contact with valerian can cause some skin allergies, ointments made from the extract of this plant are effective in treating some rashes - skin rashes and boils - a kind of large skin rash," said the herbalist.

Shojaei pointed out: Walk, which is called bear garlic abroad, has underground garlic similar to garlic and is grown in mountainous areas such as Alborz mountain range and in Fasham, Hamedan and Kermanshah regions.

"This field vegetable can only be harvested in the spring, but you can also use the dried vegetables of this plant, but in this case, it is recommended to use the dry or frozen shade method to maintain it," he said.

The medicinal plant that is good for the nose and the tongue.

The medicinal plant is good for the nose and the tongue.

The plant produces colored purple flowers between its leaves and near the stem, which is similar to a bangle. The more fragrant it is, the better.

Its stems are more useful than its other components.

Its strength is equal to the strength of yellow lily and it is stronger than the latter.

Other letters of Barbaleh: Asaron, Barbaleh, Azarum, Tagar, Radix Azarayi and Ceranion.

Temperament: This plant is warm and dry and is famous for its warmth more than dryness.

1. It is warm and dry.

2. It is useful for treating ischemia.

3. Used to treat chronic sciatica.

4. It is useful for treating hepatic congestion.

5. It is useful for treating bladder diseases.

6. It is useful for treating kidney problems.

7. It is useful for treating premature ejaculation.

8. This plant is anti-phlegm.

9. This plant is regulatory.

10. It is used to treat joints.

11. It is useful for treating jaundice.

12. This plant is beneficial.

13. This plant is joyful.

14. This plant is used for clogged arteries.

Saturday 23 May 2020

How Does Bitter Chocolate Lose Weight?

How Does Bitter Chocolate Lose Weight?

An article published in the November 2014 issue of the journal Notre Dame also provides evidence that adding dark chocolate to your diet can help you lose weight. The researchers found a link between consuming the food and success in the weight loss process, which found that teens who ate more chocolate were less likely to be obese and more fit. So it's true! But in what form?

* Bitter chocolate raises your body's metabolism
A study conducted at Queen Marygart University showed promising results on how bitter chocolate affects fat and carbohydrate burners. This nutrient has a significant effect on the synthesis of fatty acids; So it reduces digestion and absorption of fats and carbohydrates. As a result, a person who eats chocolate with a high percentage burns more calories to digest it, thus increasing his body's metabolism.

* Bitter chocolate controls your appetite
The results of various studies have shown that eating dark chocolate with a high percentage, at the right time, halves your appetite! Incorporating some of this nutrient into your diet to lose weight will create hormones that give your brain a sign of satiety.

The flavonoids in dark chocolate help reduce the potential for insulin resistance. It also contains healthy fats that slow down blood sugar. This helps prevent a sudden rise in blood insulin and prevents sugar from being directed directly to your fat cells; As a result, a person who eats bitter chocolate is less likely to feel sudden and intense hunger or cravings for snacks.

* Bitter chocolate reduces stress
Did you know that stress is related to belly fat? Falling into a cycle of stress and overweight is one of the worst things that can happen. Anxiety and stress in the stomach stimulate you to secrete acid, and as a result, you become hungry and eat more food (possibly harmful foods). Another problem with stress is the possibility of overeating. In this state, the anxious person eats without feeling hungry.

Friday 22 May 2020

Many flowers are effective in aromatherapy

Flowers or medicines

Many flowers are effective in aromatherapy; So in this short report, we have only introduced five flowers.

Narcissus: If you are looking for aromatherapy, the first flower you are offered is the Narcissus flower, which has been named the main therapist for depression. It is also said that narcissus is effective in treating colds and flu. Therefore, Imam Reza (AS) says: Do not delay the inhalation of daffodils; Because he gives safety from the cold. In addition to the smell, the colors of this beautiful flower are also effective in creating the spirit of vitality and freshness of human beings.

Sage: This flower, like daffodils, has a warm and pleasant aroma. Smelling it in the winter is effective in preventing and improving colds. The scent of Mary creates a sense of joy that can keep you fresh and fresh throughout the day.

Golmohammadi: Many of us may have experienced a sense of calm after smelling Golmohammadi. This is due to stimulation of the brain and increased secretion of some sedatives. For this reason, rosemary is used to treat anxiety and depression. Other effects of the scent of rosemary or the incense of its dried flowers include the regulation of women's menstrual periods and the elimination of its disorders. The scent of rosemary can be inhaled by smelling fresh flowers and roses. Aromatherapy therapists believe that if mothers smell perfume or essential oils before pregnancy, it is effective in increasing fertility and creating peace and freshness for the mother.

Thursday 21 May 2020

Diabetes and grapefruit consumption

Benefits of Grapefruit for Health:

Grapefruit to reduce appetite and weight loss

As we said before, this fruit is an appetite suppressant and will have a good performance in reducing appetite compared to other substances and fruits. It is said that its smell can also reduce the feeling of hunger, and this will be useful for weight loss. Large amounts of fiber in it can reduce hunger and prevent the feeling of false hunger in obese people.

Grapefruit and insomnia:

A glass of grapefruit juice, if drunk before going to bed, can make a person sleep better and relieve the symptoms of insomnia. This is due to the presence of tryptophan in grapefruit. This chemical is related to sleep. Tryptophan levels in grapefruit allow us to sleep comfortably.

Properties of grapefruit for the treatment of diseases

Diabetes and grapefruit consumption

Patients with diabetes can easily consume grapefruit because it helps reduce the amount of starch in the body. If a diabetic patient takes grapefruit, it helps regulate blood sugar levels and helps manage diabetes. Recent studies have shown that there is a link between diabetes and influenza.

Wednesday 20 May 2020

When you sleep on your right or back side straight and without any inclination

1- It causes heartburn

When you sleep on your right or back side straight and without any inclination, this can cause a problem called gastric acid reflux (return of acid to the esophagus). If a person is already preoccupied with this problem, sleeping in these situations can exacerbate it. Gastric acid reflux occurs when stomach acid and contents rise and reach the esophagus. When you sleep on your right or back side, the esophageal valve, which normally prevents acid from returning to the esophagus, is no longer able to control reflux due to the pressure exerted by gravity. As a result, the contents of the stomach reach the bottom of the esophagus, causing heartburn, discomfort, bad taste in the mouth, bad breath, and sometimes even chest pain.

The right way:

Sleep on your left side and lean on your torso. Research has shown that it reduces heartburn and thus alleviates the problem in people with gastroesophageal reflux disease. This puts the stomach in a good position to force food to stay in the stomach and not leak out of the esophageal valve from the top of the stomach.

2- It is harmful for your spine and back

According to experts, there is a link between sleeping on your stomach and chronic back pain. In this case, a lot of pressure is put on the back and spine during the night because most of the body weight falls on these parts. In this case, the spine is not in its normal state, which is why you probably feel the need to stretch when you change your position in your sleep, feel it, or feel it.

Monday 18 May 2020

celery juice is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, really?

If you substitute celery juice for sugary drinks, you may be able to reduce acne by consuming less sugar and more fiber in your diet.

In addition, celery juice is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that may help reduce inflammation.

Because acne is an inflammatory disease, taking anti-inflammatory foods may reduce the oxidative stress and hormone levels of factors such as insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), which can lead to acne.

In general, more research is needed.

Other potential benefits for the skin

Celery juice may have other health benefits.

Increased hydration

Celery juice, as it turns out, is made up more of water and may help hydrate your skin.

Sunday 17 May 2020

The active ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin

Research from the University of California, Berkeley, shows that apples contain a compound called pectin, which plays an important role in lowering cholesterol. When blood cholesterol is normal, the chances of clogged arteries are reduced. In addition, apples contain flavonoids. These nutrients reduce the risk of heart disease by 50 percent.

Oily fish is a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. These fatty acids are known as "good fats" and our bodies need them to improve the function of the cardiovascular system as well as prevent clogged arteries. Among different fish, salmon, mackerel, tuna and sardines, etc. contain the highest amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

The active ingredient in turmeric is called curcumin, which protects the heart. Researchers have shown that turmeric can prevent vascular damage due to its composition. So add turmeric to your food as much as you can.

Numerous studies have shown that spinach is rich in vitamins A and C and is useful in preventing cholesterol depletion and diseases such as atherosclerosis. Fortunately, spinach is one of those relatively inexpensive vegetables that you can eat and enjoy.

replace them with other nutrient-rich options.

The presence of broccoli, which is known as a healthy food, may surprise you on this list, but although broccoli can in some cases be beneficial to the lungs thanks to its antioxidant and anti-cancer properties, it can cause bloating. It also contributes to the decline in lung health.

Since we automatically consider vegetables to be healthy when thinking about vegetables, it's easy to forget that healthy foods can be harmful in some special cases and should be limited or discontinued. If you experience excessive gas in your body after eating foods such as broccoli, cauliflower, or cabbage, limit your intake or replace them with other nutrient-rich options.

Saturday 16 May 2020

Avoid touching the mask separately while using the mask

Avoid touching the mask separately while using the mask. If necessary, clean your hands with 70% alcohol disinfectant solution or soap and water.

- When the mask gets wet, it loses its effectiveness. Therefore, you should replace the mask with a new one and do not reuse disposable masks.

- To repel the mask, be sure to remove the mask from the drawstrings (do not touch the front of the mask) and put it in a bag and throw it in the trash (if possible with the lid).

- Make sure that your hand does not come into contact with the outer layer when removing the mask.

- After removing the mask, be sure to wash your hands with 70% alcohol solution or soap and water.

Friday 15 May 2020

unhealthy cholesterol patterns and type 2 diabetes

According to researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, women who drink one or more drinks a day are about 20 percent more likely to develop heart disease than women who never take such drinks. And it's not just fizzy drinks that are problematic, but also fruit drinks with high-risk added sugar.

"We anticipate that several reasons will increase the risk of heart disease," said Anerson, a senior researcher with the research team.

"Sugar increases glucose and insulin levels in the blood, which increases appetite and leads to obesity, a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease," he said.

"In addition, too much blood sugar is associated with oxidative stress and inflammation, insulin resistance, unhealthy cholesterol patterns and type 2 diabetes, problems that have a strong link to hardening of the arteries, gradual narrowing of blood vessels," Anderson said. »

More than 100,000 women in California participated in the study.

The researchers found that people who drank one or more sugary drinks a day were 26 percent more likely to need surgery, such as angioplasty, to reduce blood flow, and 21 percent more likely to have a stroke than women who rarely drank or did not drink such beverages at all. They were.

Tuesday 12 May 2020

Benefits of consuming sour lemon and tea

Benefits of consuming sour lemon and tea

During the cold seasons of the year and when the fresh sour lemon arrived, many Iranians mixed and consumed tea and lemon juice. The reason for the popularity of the combination of tea and lemon juice is due to the broken taste of tea, adding a little lemon juice to it and creating a pleasant feeling for the consumer.

Consumption of tea with fresh lemon juice can be beneficial for health because tea has antioxidant and anti-cancer properties due to the available polyphenols, and if you combine it with fresh lemon juice and drink it, the nutritional value of this high-consumption beverage will increase.

Lemon tea boosts metabolism and burns more calories even at rest.

Lemon tea reduces the symptoms of colds and flu, eliminates sore throats, and strengthens the immune system. But these benefits are for when you use a combination of lemon and tea with very little because the side effects outweigh the benefits.

When should we add lemon juice to tea?
Drinking tea and lemonade in moderation is not a health problem, but drinking more than one cup of tea and lemon juice a day or drinking it after waking up when your stomach is empty can cause a lot of damage to this healthy drink. Have you.

If you are very interested in consuming lemon tea, it is better to know that you should add lemon juice when the tea has cooled down so that the vitamin C in the lemon juice is not destroyed due to the high heat of the tea and is not destroyed.

Frequent consumption of these unhealthy foods is more important than the risk of dementia

"Our study shows that the combination of foods consumed is very important in preventing dementia," said Cecilia Samiri, head of the research team at the University of Bordex in France.

Dementia is more common in people who eat mostly processed meats such as hamburgers and sausages, starches such as potatoes, and snacks such as cakes and cookies.

The findings show that people with dementia usually have a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, seafood and chicken.

According to researchers, dementia, including Alzheimer's disease, can begin decades before symptoms appear, and a long-term diet plays an important role.

"Bad eating habits toward cold-cooked meats and snacks were evident in our group years before the dementia was diagnosed," Samiri added. "On the contrary, a varied and healthy diet reduces the risk of dementia."

The study looked at 209 people with dementia and 418 people without the disease in France. The average age of the people was 78 years and they were monitored for 12 years. Five years earlier, the men had completed a questionnaire on nutrition.

Researchers have found that before the onset of dementia, the diet of people with the disease was very different from that of people with dementia.

"We've also found that a diet rich in leafy vegetables, berries, nuts, whole grains, and fish reduces the risk of dementia," Samiri said.

"Frequent consumption of these unhealthy foods is more important than the risk of dementia," he said.

Monday 11 May 2020

coriander, can bind to heavy metals and help your body expel them

Some herbs, such as coriander, can bind to heavy metals and help your body expel them, according to the Young Reporters Club Medical Science Group Clinic. Studies have shown that this plant can increase mercury excretion and reduce lead absorption. Your liver is your body's strongest weapon against toxins. The liver performs detoxification work with about 500 dependent mechanisms. In fact, the liver uses these mechanisms to filter blood and prevent toxins from entering the body, so we need to pay attention to dietary recommendations to help eliminate toxins from the body.