Tuesday 29 August 2017

A miracle of 4 bean seeds in weight loss, blood pressure and diabetes

A miracle of 4 bean seeds in weight loss, blood pressure and diabetes + infographic
Nursing seeds are considered to be the healthiest brain and help reduce weight and blood pressure, treat diabetes, and lower cholesterol.
Healthy diet is one of the pillars of preserving the health of the human body. Some nutrients have many benefits that differentiate them from other foods, including edible cereals, according to the journalist's club. All edible cereals are excellent sources of healthy and protein lipids, but some have more nutrients that can be effective in reducing weight, lowering cholesterol, and even helping prevent diabetes and heart disease. You will learn more about the best edible cereals.

Indian almonds are one of the most popular snacks and snacks, as well as delicious, it is also useful. Recent research has shown that men and women with elevated levels of low-cholesterol (LDL), which consume between 16 and 36 Indian almonds daily, experienced a decline in total cholesterol and bad cholesterol levels after a month of consumption of this nutrient.

 Almond consumption can help reduce body weight, abdominal fat, and hypertension in obese people. Almond can also help improve memory. The results of the study showed better glucose control, improved levels of glyceride and cholesterol, and decreased waist circumference in adults with diabetes only three weeks after the start of almonds. An extremely valuable source of vitamin E, Calcium, magnesium, and folate. Almond is one of the most popular snacks.

health benefits of honey

A miracle for the health of the body

Honey consumes bacteria that cause acne. Using topical honey can treat diabetic ulcers. Dead cells eliminate the skin and make it soft, reduces the lines on the face and eliminates the dryness of the elbow and heel. he does. Honey softener prevents hair loss and makes the hair smoother. The metabolism accelerates and reduces the weight of the honey.

Medicinal properties of honey

Consumption of it with raw garlic destroys the virus and bacterial infections. It strengthens the sight of the sore throat and soothe it, and it is a kind of syrup. The energy of the body, eliminates fatigue, increases the level of consciousness of the mind. It boosts the body's immune system, delivers nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants to the body. By improving blood flow, it prevents heart disease and damage to the veins, and especially the capillaries. The intestinal function Regulates colic and intestinal insufficiency syndrome, has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Relieves burns, disinfects the ulcer, reduces inflammation and pain, and accelerates the process of treatment. It reduces anxiety and acts like a denture. Creates calm relaxation and reduces the body's pH An alkalizing agent prevents the formation of cancerous tumors. Remedies of indigestion and acid reflux of the stomach, cures gastrointestinal ulcers.

Monday 28 August 2017

Natural Shampoo

Hairs are also poisoned because of the use of some makeup products, but we will introduce you a natural way to detoxify the hair.

As we report when it comes to detoxification, our minds go to a variety of ways to detoxify the body, such as drinking water, consuming more fiber, and avoiding caffeine and processed foods, but it's interesting to know. That your hair also needs detoxification.

People are accustomed to buying beauty products for hair to have brilliant, sleek and beautiful hair, but you should know that these beauty products contain chemicals and toxins that can damage the hair and health of the body.

When using a variety of beauty products such as masks, gels and sprays containing harmful substances such as coal powder, formaldehyde and retinoic acid, they are considered to be carcinogenic.

We will give you instructions that detoxify your hair.

In this method, apply the hair with a shampoo and then a natural and healthy natural soap.

Sunday 27 August 2017

Ibrahim Yazdi dies because of prostate cancer

Ibrahim Yazdi, the interim government minister of foreign affairs, died a while ago in İzmir, Turkey, after a long period of illness, which was transmitted through several reports of his death. Late Yazdi undergoing surgery in the city of Izmir in the aftermath of the US opposition to the issuance of a treatment visa last January, and was hospitalized in Ismur until he died at age eighty-six. Yazdi, who suffers from old age and prostate cancer, has been treated in recent years.

premature infants are three times more likely to be at risk than newborns.

Experts in their latest research found that premature infants are three times more likely to be at risk than newborns.

The infant's sudden death syndrome (SIDS) is more common in infants born between the 24th and 27th birthdays.

US researchers responsible for this study have said that the risk of sudden death syndrome in babies born naturally is much lower.

Based on this, experts advise parents of preterm infants to take precautionary measures to care for the baby after discharge from the hospital. The lactating mother also takes fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and low protein foods to strengthen the baby's immune system.

Saturday 26 August 2017

Why do you get diarrhea with antibiotics?

Why do you get diarrhea with antibiotics?

Side effects of antibiotics vary from one patient to another, from a simple allergy to a lethal disorder to different individuals. The doctor, when he or she feels that the body of the patient has a high degree of incompatibility with a type of antibiotic, changes the dose or type of antibiotic or, if necessary, advises to change the way in which it is used and measures such measures for the patient, but in the case of arbitrary antibiotic use These can not be controlled and the patient may stop taking antibiotics due to complications, and therefore he or she will get an infection throughout his body. The use of antibiotics or the discontinuation of it arbitrarily will make antibiotics resistant to microbes, and this essential and life-threatening drug will become an unused drug and cause many problems for people.

Best choices for cleaning your body veins

Best choices for cleaning your body veins

Virgin olive oil has many properties for the health of the body, and especially for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. It also contains unsaturated fat that is slightly oxidized and prevents cholesterol from depositing in blood vessels.

  Nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and omega-3s, and its regular consumption leads to lower levels of cholesterol, healthy joints and heart. In addition, the use of nuts increases the function of the brain and leads to memory improvement.

Do not freeze this food

Best choices for cleaning your body veins

Virgin olive oil has many properties for the health of the body, and especially for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. It also contains unsaturated fat that is slightly oxidized and prevents cholesterol from depositing in blood vessels.

 Nuts are rich in unsaturated fatty acids and omega-3s, and its regular consumption leads to lower levels of cholesterol, healthy joints and heart. In addition, the use of nuts increases the function of the brain and leads to memory improvement.

 Do not use aspirinbucca without prescribing physician / Examine your stress through your skin / Does excessive death increase the likelihood of death? / Do not freeze food

Do not freeze this food

Frozen food in the freezer does not last. Of course, it's not bad to remember that these foods are not healthy in your body. Even if you eat them before they break down. According to research conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health, frying foods lead to many cardiovascular diseases.

Pineapple is an energy source that acts as an aspirin

Pineapple is an energy source that acts as an aspirin + infographic
Pineapple has many properties, such as anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, energy-promoting properties and improved kidney and digestive health.
The pineapple is a delicious fruit containing an effective blend of the name Bromelin, according to the journalist at the Clinic of the Medical Science Group. The enzyme treats arthritis and heart problems to a simple cold, which has been shown to have a strong impact on this enzyme, which even compared it with a 5- fluorouracil drug (a cancer drug).

Cure Cancer: Bromelin in pineapple helps the body stand up against cancer cells.

Improving heart health: Fabric is the name of a kind of organic protein that causes blood coagulation. The presence of these compounds in the blood causes blood clots, but bromelin is able to resolve this protein, and researchers believe the effect of this compound is comparable to the effects of aspirin. Of course, we do not mean to leave aspirin and replace pineapple. You can use this fruit to promote your heart health.

Anti-arthritis: Pineapple is able to increase the effectiveness of anti-arrhythmic drugs.

Energy: Make pineapple juice for your daily energy and start early in the morning to start your day with joy.

Gastrointestinal Problems: If you have trouble digesting food, bromelain in pineapple will enhance the performance of the digestive system and help your metabolism to decompose and absorb well.

Anti-Inflammation: You can trust pineapple to relieve inflammation of the body. You can naturally benefit from this enzyme without taking medicine and eating pineapple.

Thursday 24 August 2017

foods that cleans your liver

Food stuffs that make liver toxins infographic

Environmental contamination and nutrients containing pesticides are the cause of liver toxicity, but with some methods, the liver can be detoxified.
According to the healthcare journalist at the Young Scientists' Club, the medical department, chemicals and pesticides are present in our environment, and liver is poisoned with food poisoning.

Liver toxicity is usually accompanied by headaches, indigestion, inflammation, enlargement, liver spots, heartburn, and gallbladder problems, however, there is a list of herbal foods that their daily intake helps to detoxify the liver.

Glutathione-rich avocados and studies have shown that eating one to two of it per week eliminates liver damage.

Green tea contains catechins, an antioxidant that helps eliminate fat accumulation in the liver and strengthens liver function.

The artichoke or artichoke stimulates the secretion of the bile and thus helps to get toxins or the accumulated toxins in the liver.

Mixing a tablespoon of oil and one teaspoon of lemon juice with an empty stomach before breakfast is recommended; lubricant is able to regulate liver cells to accelerate the metabolism of the body.

The grapefruit contains ingredients that help make effective enzymes for liver detoxification.

Carrot contains glutathione; a protein that helps to detoxify the liver.

Walnut helps in detoxification of the liver and is especially effective in removing ammonia from the body.

High-calorie foods that are not obese + Instructions

High-calorie foods that are not obese + Instructions

Obesity and overweight are one of today's dilemmas. We introduce you a high-calorie food that will not be added to your weight and your blood fat will fall.
A dish is one of the promises that most people prefer to eat salads for weight loss and body health, obesity and high blood lipids, followed by heart disease and diabetes, is also one of the dangers. Life is ours today.

We introduce to you light food which at the same time, despite the fact that it has high calories but is not fat.

Avocados is one of the healthiest foods you can always eat. In addition, avocados are the most nutritious fruit in the world; it is rich in antioxidants and fights cancer, arthritis and even catarrh.

Health benefits of Nectarine

Beta-carotene and Vitamin A

The bright orange-red color of nectarines is due to its high beta-carotene content. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that helps protect the body from damage from free radicals. Beta-carotene is also converted by the body into vitamin A, although the body will not convert more beta-carotene into vitamin A than is necessary. Vitamin A helps build and maintain healthy skin, teeth, bone tissue, soft tissue and mucus membranes. One medium-sized nectarine contains 471 international units of vitamin A per serving.

Vitamin C

One medium-sized nectarine contains 8.4 grams of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is needed throughout the body for a variety of functions. It makes up part of a protein responsible for producing skin, scar tissue, tendons and ligaments. It also helps to repair cartilage, bones and teeth as well as heal wounds. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that may help prevent cancer, heart disease and some medical conditions such as arthritis. In addition to nectarines, all other fruits and vegetables contain some vitamin C. Citrus fruits and berries are other sources high in vitamin C.


Nectarines, whether fresh or dried, are a good source of dietary fiber, which is important for maintaining overall health. Dietary fiber is the part of the plant that your body cannot digest. Fruits and vegetables are sources naturally high in dietary fiber, as are whole grains, legumes and nuts. Dietary fiber helps by adding bulk to your diet, making you feel full on less food, thus reducing the number of calories you consume. Fiber also helps prevent constipation and helps with digestion. One medium-sized nectarine contains 2.4 grams of dietary fiber.


Wednesday 23 August 2017

The benefits of palm massage

Cure heart disease and cancer with Avocado

Avocado core skin contains various chemical compounds that can kill viruses, deal with heart problems and even treat cancer. Avocados use is associated with lowering the level of "bad blood cholesterol" in obese people, while research Another indication of the association between the consumption of this fruit and the reduction of the risk of metabolic syndrome.

The benefits of palm massage

Studies show that the prominence of the lower thumb of the hand, the thumb to the wrist, is the location of the associated nerves between the spine and the palm. Thus, by massaging this section, the spine's problems will be greatly resolved.

Best foods that helps your joints

Foods that are friends and enemies of the joints of the body + Infographic
Some foods are harmful because of their compounds, and some are harmful to the joints of the body, which we mention a few.
The disease has a variety of arthritis, but some signs and symptoms are common in all types of the disease. Common symptoms of various types of arthritis include inflammation, stiffness, dryness and joint pain. You can use certain foods and supplements to relieve pain and smooth your joints.

Ginger has an effect on the prevention of inflammation of the blood vessels and joints, and only one teaspoon of tea ginger can be cut off.

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and can cope with arthritis.

Avocado is the most nutritious fruit in the world, because it is rich in antioxidants and is fighting against cancer, heart disease, arthritis and even catarrh.

Salmon is the best source of supply of omega-3 fatty acids, and these fatty acids can modify body weight, heart health and improve joints health.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

The use of chemical products also damages cellular DNA

The use of chemical products also damages cellular DNA, disrupts the regulation of hormones and causes infertility in women.

Among other paraffin-based chemicals, cosmetic products have many fans among women, and women's annual use of these products increases every year.

Accordingly, experts advise people to use fewer paraffin-containing chemicals, especially couples who want to have a baby and make infertility treatments, to get the best out of natural ingredients for their daily routine.

The findings are from researchers at the University of Auckland in the United States on more than 315 male volunteers, and the study of the relationship between BPS chemicals on estrogen hormones in humans and infertility in men.

In a similar study, scientists found that these chemicals could be effective in developing breast cancer in men and women.

Experts have stated that chemicals such as paraffin exist in a wide range of daily life products, and that there is a need for extensive research to produce a new generation of safe chemicals for human health.