Thursday 15 February 2018

What is the reason for the ban on imported plants?

What is the reason for the ban on imported plants?

Bamboo and Lacquer are two types of herbs whose import has been banned in the country; what is the reason for this ban?

It should be noted that the most important reason for the ban on the introduction of foreign plant species into the country is the destruction of indigenous species; in fact, imported species become invasive species; and imported species may carry diseases and pests that do not even occur in their native area. By entering a new climate and climate, the source of pests and diseases.

Digest better food with wheat germ

Digest better food with wheat germ

Know the wheat germ as one of the most beneficial foods for digestion; this food is a source of gastrointestinal digestion due to the presence of high fiber and high water levels; due to better digestion and complete excretion of feces, wheat germ is a risk It also reduces colon cancer significantly.

People who have problems with malnutrition or difficult to digest vegetables can replace wheat germ in their diet.

Quail eggs are an organic protein

Quail eggs are an organic protein

It is better to know that quail meat and eggs are quite natural and are an organic protein; since quail is more resistant to various diseases than chickens, it is cultivated without the use of medicine, so the meat and egg consumption of this animal There is no harmful drug for the consumer.

Quail eggs, as compared to eggs, are a much richer source of body elements, for example, quail eggs are seven times more than iron eggs and five times more phosphorous; the amount of vitamin B12 in quail eggs is 6 times higher than that of eggs; in addition to This quail egg is a rich source of vitamin B2 and omega-3 fatty acids, which boosts intelligence and memory.

Tuesday 13 February 2018

Who is more exposed to bone softness?

Who is more exposed to bone softness?

Bone softness is one of the problems many people experience; it should be noted that bone softness can be an introduction to osteoporosis and bony fractures.

Lack of calcium and vitamin D is the most important cause of bone softness; some groups and individuals are more susceptible to the disease; for example, those who are vegetarians and do not eat milk, fish and meat, those who wear too much or have babies They do not have the ability to digest lactose in milk, the amount of vitamin D absorption is very low; therefore, they are more susceptible to bone softness

At what age are you interested in some kind of music

At what age are you interested in some kind of music

American researchers have discovered field studies that the musical tracks that humans listen to during their teens will shape her musical tastes to life.
The results of these studies show that the musical taste of men is between the ages of 13 and 16, and the average age of 14 is the most influential age, while the rate for women aged 11 to 14 and the most influential age is 13.

What you need to know about egg consumption

What you need to know about egg consumption

One of the most widely consumed foods in the world is egg; eggs are one of the best foods to eat at breakfast; however, it should be remembered that rotten eggs can be a cause of food poisoning and digestive problems.

Initially, you should be aware of the date of egg production and expiration, and avoid the use of eggs that have expired; in addition, never keep eggs out of the refrigerator, as eggs are rotten at room temperature And it can cause food poisoning such as Salmonella.

Eating an egg that is not well cooked is another factor that increases the risk of Salmonella food poisoning.

Sunday 11 February 2018

Migraine relationship with heart problems

Migraine relationship with heart problems

Danish researchers have found that people who are infected with migraines are more likely to be exposed to stroke and heart attack than others.

Past research has proven that migraines increase the risk of heart attacks; researchers now find that migraine headaches can lead to a variety of cardiovascular problems.

Of all five people in the world, one has a long-term migraine and headaches, usually with severe headaches and symptoms, due to nausea and allergy to sound and light.

Eating to increase intelligence

Eating to increase intelligence

Although genetic factors play a major role in individual's intelligence, some foods are also effective in increasing human intelligence.

Acetylcholine is one of these substances that increases the intelligence and memory capacity; taking acetylcholine for pregnant mothers is also important as it helps to strengthen their fetal intelligence.

Cauliflower, lettuce, grilled beef, liver, eggs, peanuts or peanut butter are one of the most important sources of food containing acetylcholine.

Healthy bone with kiwi

Healthy bone with kiwi

Most people consider dairy as the only beneficial ingredient for bone health, but it's better to know that kiwi is also one of the important sources of vitamins for bone health and well-being.

Researchers have found that vitamin K prevents osteoporosis; besides, the use of kiwi for people with osteoporosis or osteoporosis is a necessary fruit, as it controls the disease, and also helps the kiwi to have healthy nails.

Friday 9 February 2018

Super Tomato Properties

Super Tomato Properties

One of the best foods to control your blood glucose; Tomato is a rich source of vitamin C, vitamin A and potassium; tomatoes do not have a lot of calories and a cup of tomato juice will only have 32 kcal.

Tomato, in addition to being a low-carbohydrate food for diabetics, protects the person against heart disease, prostate cancer, and more because of their strong antioxidants.

A superb combination to grow eyelashes

A superb combination to grow eyelashes

Some people are not happy with the amount and volume of their eyelashes. It's better to know that the combination of almond, olive and coconut oils is an extraordinary potion for the growth of more eyelashes; for this, apply the blend with a clean mascara brush for five seconds on the eyelashes, and this Repeat the work four to five times before bedtime.

Causes of herpes

Causes of herpes

Herpes are a skin problem that, in addition to inappropriate appearance, is associated with itching and burning, these red lumps usually appear on the lips or around the lips.
It's best to know that stress and prolonged exposure to sunlight increase the chance of getting herpes; also, eating dates increases herpes; palm sugar is one of the causes of herpes.

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Protecting the stomach with apple vinegar

Protecting the stomach with apple vinegar

Do not forget about the health of the body's digestive system. Apply vinegar. This vinegar is beneficial for the health of the digestive system in many ways; apple vinegar helps to digest faster and better food and eliminate constipation.

Also, eating a tablespoon of apple vinegar before eating gastric juices also reduces stomach upset (sweetening) to a large extent.

Best Age to learn second language

Best Age to learn second language

Many people believe that lower-level English language education makes it possible for children to learn a second language as native language; some people also believe that the best age for teaching a foreign language is to children aged 1-7 years.

It should be noted that foreign language teaching requires a hearing comprehension that can not be precisely defined for that age; although the child's speech language is apparently at the age of 5; the age of this maturity is different in children.

Children are prepared to teach second language to easily understand, understand, and speak native speakers.

Sunday 4 February 2018

Be healthier

Be healthier

Research indicates that strong relationships contribute to health at any age. According to research by psychologist Sheldon Cohen, it is impotant to tell everything to yur girlfriend and ,college students who reported having strong relationships were half as likely to catch a common cold when exposed to the virus, while an AARP study dfdg. with older adults found that loneliness is a significant predictor of poor healt

A fruit for lung health

A fruit for lung health

It's best to know that the colorful persimmon fruit is a rich source of beta-carotene and vitamin A, which prevents the occurrence of various types of cancer, especially lung cancer.
Researchers recommend that regular people use persimmons to smoke or smoke people; in fact, apple and persimmon can be considered as two lung protective fruits.

Saturday 3 February 2018

Familiar with the healthiest edible brain

Familiar with the healthiest edible brain

All of the edible cereals are excellent sources of healthy fats and proteins, but some have more nutrients that can be effective in reducing weight, lowering cholesterol, and even helping prevent diabetes and heart disease.
A healthy diet is one of the cornerstones of maintaining the health of the human body. In the meantime, some foods offer significant health benefits that differentiate them from other options, including edible cereals.

All dietary sugars are excellent sources of healthy and protein fats, but some of them have more nutrients that can reduce weight, reduce cholesterol, and even lose weight, according to the Iranian Health Department, according to the Reuters Digest. Helping to prevent diabetes and heart disease. Learn more about the best edible cereals.

Friday 2 February 2018

Women who have Uterine are classified into four groups:

Women who have Uterine are classified into four groups:

1- Girls from birth to adolescence.

2. Girls in puberty.

3- Women who are pregnant.

4. Women who are at the age of menopause.

Women who are pregnant are more likely to go to a doctor than others because of uterine bleeding.

Here are the common causes of abnormal bleeding in the uterus.

Hormonal disorders

Estrogen and progesterone are two important and influential hormones, the balance between them regulates the menstrual cycle and, consequently, the cycle of ovulation and then pregnancy.

What Causes Muscle Cramps

What Causes Muscle Cramps

Eclipse or muscle spasm is one of the problems that is usually troublesome for athletes or even ordinary people; sometimes these cramps are chronic and long distressing.
Doctors believe that there are many reasons for eclipses; neck stiffness may be inappropriate due to poor sleep or pillow; ankle clogging can be due to inappropriate footwear; physicians recommend leggings.
Also, reducing blood glucose after exercise can weaken the muscle nerves, resulting in spasticity.

Thursday 1 February 2018

health benfits of Fish

Important role of carbohydrates in the health of the fetus

Important role of carbohydrates in the health of the fetus

The mother's diet during pregnancy has an important role in fetal growth; recently, American researchers have found that a significant reduction in carbohydrate intake during pregnancy increases the probability of birth of infants with sudden burns.

The results of the research showed that low-carbohydrate in women with an increased risk of dizziness in newborns increases by 30%; ingredients like potatoes, rice and bread are among the most important carbohydrates.