Saturday 15 June 2019

Side effects of antihistamine in colds!

Side effects of antihistamine in colds!

Taking antihistamine to prevent nasal irritation and sneezing during colds leads to thickening of the respiratory tract; the use of antihistamine, the thickening of the respiratory tract, the blockage of the sinuses, and, on the other hand, the growth of the virus, then in 3 The first day of colds should, as far as possible, avoid a runny nose and sneezing suppression by antihistamines.

What mayonnaise is good for hair?

What mayonnaise is good for hair?

The meat of the monkey is known for its particular composition, which is known as liver meat, but equally excellent for hair; materials in mayonnaise, penetrating hair strains, increase the strength of hair, growth and moisture, and treat hair dryness; One of the remedies used to get rid of the monkey is the sauce, the monkeys of the sauce kill the calves, and the monkeys are also effective in eliminating the vesicles and can make it softer and softer, causing the sauce fruit Enhance moisture and strengthen the hair.

Elimination of sneezes caused by seasonal allergies

Elimination of sneezes caused by seasonal allergies

To treat sneezing and burning due to seasonal allergies, just 2 times a day, and a drop of violet oil a day, in your nasal cavity, it has a lot of properties, including that it helps to treat allergies, and you can also use the violets of the forehead Massage your massage speeding up your recovery.

Friday 14 June 2019

Treat your fatty liver with turmeric tea

Treat your fatty liver with turmeric tea

Liver toxicity is commonly associated with headaches, indigestion, flatulence, weight gain, liver spots, heartburn, and gallbladder problems; according to studies, turmeric tea is one of the most important methods for detoxification of the liver. . The yellow color of turmeric is due to a substance called curcumin, which causes excretion of the bile. You can use fresh turmeric, fresh ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, coconut milk, and honey to make this tea, with all the great qualities.

Sunday 9 June 2019

Best snack for daily consumption

Best snack for daily consumption

It may sound odd, but the amount of iron found in popcorn, or popcorn, is even greater than spinach and egg; the low calorie intake of corn, especially when cooked without oil, makes it one of the most suitable snacks for those It has a tendency to lose weight, it also has a gluten-free taste and aids in the development of bone formation and anemia in children.

how mold of a Bread can effect your body?

how mold of a Bread can effect your body?

The mildew of the forgotten bread is very common, but it is better to know that these mildew buns are very dangerous and they should be removed quickly from the house or even buried on the ground; the mildew is rich in a substance called aflatoxin, which is a factor The main cause of the disease is leukemia.

A home remedy for treating insect bites

A home remedy for treating insect bites

You can squeeze an aspirin pill and add a drop of water to the paste to help prevent the burning and itchy areas of the insect's area. This dough has anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties and can be the best and best-known remedy for redness and swelling from mosquito bites, subcutaneous hair or even blemishes.

Treat your sore throat with honey, ginger and lemon

Treat your sore throat with honey, ginger and lemon

Traditional medicine experts recommend that you mix the sliced lemon and fresh ginger slices with honey and pour in a glass container to help cure your sore throat; allow the container containing the mixture of honey, lemon and ginger to remain in the refrigerator for some time; This is the time of the mix in the jelly form; the compound is an amazing drug for treating sore throat.

Interestingly, the simultaneous consumption of tea and acetaminophen

Interestingly, the simultaneous consumption of tea and acetaminophen

Recent studies indicate that tea drinking has an interesting effect on the effectiveness of acetaminophen; if you drink tea 20 minutes before taking acetaminophen, the effectiveness of this drug will increase; as a general rule, caffeine in coffee, tea or drinks such as intake of significant effective acetaminophen However, it should be kept in mind that high doses of this compound will cause liver damage.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

With this plant, double your weight loss

With this plant, double your weight loss

Including ginger in a weekly diet and consuming it at least three times a week has a major impact on weight loss and increased metabolism, as it increases the metabolism of the body in the most successful fat burning and calorie group Natural.

Eating a salad containing ginger or yogurt with freshly picked ginger can reduce your appetite before eating lunch and dinner, leading to weight loss, while drinking tea made from ginger, or adding one to 2 small cabbages of ginger to tea or deodorant can have a great effect on weight loss and increased metabolism and metabolism in the body.

Treatment of diabetes with stone

Treatment of diabetes with stone

People with diabetes or high sugar can use stomach for 10 minutes a day; this will help regulate insulin; it will also help regulate your blood sugar, prevent diabetes, and even cause more fat and exercise. .

Effective exercises to reduce eyelid droop

Effective exercises to reduce eyelid droop

To reduce wrinkles and drooping eyes, just put 2 fingers on the sides and push a little, immediately open and close your eyes. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

You can sit up and look first, keep your eyes open and keep your eyes up and down without moving your head, keep your eyes open, and look at the left without moving your head, then look right.