Wednesday 28 August 2019

how much relation you should have each week

I always try to be active
I have never been and am not a lazy person. Even at work I am constantly working. I get up and down again and again and take my laptop with me to places where I need to stand.

Wherever I want to go, I walk
I'm lucky to live in a place where walking is not only possible but also very useful. Frankly, I think this is a great way to stay fit. I don't record every calorie I consume, and I don't walk around to lose weight at all. I challenge myself every day, which means I use a staircase every day to reduce my abdominal size, not an escalator.

I eat healthy foods
I eat whatever I know is healthy and nutritious - but I have no special diet. I try to eat healthy things and preferably not be present and ready, things like vegetables, fruits, fish and meat. On the other hand, I don't overeat because I don't get sick of all sorts of diseases.

Sunday 25 August 2019

the reason for balls getting bigger

The caller, their daughter has severe schooling problems and has to re-read one year of school. This very friendly girl opens up and uploads her looks and photos to Instagram. Attention disorders can be part of the problem, but there are a few other issues that Dr. Holakouee points to and that are worth hearing.

Tuesday 20 August 2019

ravashe squeeze technique baraye dir erza shodan

With age, the body slows down the absorption of minerals, and this causes complications such as osteoporosis, which is more evident in postmenopausal women.

Calcium helps improve muscle function, nervous system and blood vessel flexibility; women over the age of 9 and men over the age of 9 need to consume 8% more dairy in their diet to maintain their health.


Sunday 18 August 2019

Headless snake, bite-shifting?

Headless snake, bite-shifting?

Snakes are very dangerous creatures that can be killed with just a few drops of poison. While it is well known that it can be seen, if the snake is separated from the body it can no longer reach you. In fact, all of our explanations and notions of limiting any organism can be used as an admin in this list. All over the world believe that snakes are poisonous and dangerous bites. However, you can get rid of it by referring your doctor to your legal authority.
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Friday 16 August 2019

Why honey does not rot?

Why honey does not rot?

In fact, honey is the only food that cannot be made in winter, so it has a lasting effect. It is not corrupt and can be maintained even under any circumstances. The natural purpose of making it is to store it. No food source like this. Natural honey is an acidic substance with a pH of about 3 which contains acids such as oxalic acid and formic acid in the honey and makes the natural honey not spoilable. The bees' abdomen contains glucose oxidation enzyme, which is added to it when extracted from the nectar.

The mixture of this enzyme and honey nectar produces gluconic acid and hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide also acts as a barrier against any microbes. Of course, although honey has an indefinite shelf life, it is important to note that any mistake in processing or packaging can lead to corruption.

Ginger, smell and cardamom are also effective in treating indigestion.

Ginger, smell and cardamom are also effective in treating indigestion. They prevent gastric irritation and pain from digestion.

"The use of turmeric in food is helpful in treating stomach pain and bloating," said a physician and Islamic medicine researcher.

Maryam Navabzadeh said: Fennel decoctions can be used to treat indigestion.

He added: Black pepper consumption also helps digestion and relieve indigestion by secreting gastric acid.

"The use of turmeric in food is effective in treating gastric and bloating pains and generally spices such as cumin, rosehip, clove, cardamom and thyme are effective in relieving bloating and indigestion," the physician and Islamic medicine researcher said.

Nawabzadeh continued: Eating lemon juice with peppermint is effective in treating anorexia and indigestion.

He said that ginger, smell and cardamom are also effective in treating indigestion.

Thursday 15 August 2019

Using special features is possible


Using special features is possible

It has made it possible for you. Finally, after a lot of damage or stress, you fall asleep, enter the body immediately so you can easily get used to it. Whichever you want to be in the final step, they allow, enabling you. The stress and anxiety you see may increase the incidence of sleep paralysis. The sudden cessation of the use of disinfection drugs represents a punishment for the dominant interface.

Imagine you can be in your room

A business owner can get rid of your advertising. You can let you call and listen in full. With this mission, as a source of news, a wandering spirit, a sorceress, or a number of reptiles, you can focus on things that are easily accessible to you.

Wednesday 14 August 2019

best drinks for summer 2019

Non-alcoholic beer
Soak and heat the water 2 to 3 times with water. As soon as the barley is broken, remove from heat, strain it and drink half warm. This syrup has a great effect on quenching thirst and removes burnt and inappropriate sputum.

Barberry juice
Boil some dried barberry twice in 5 minutes in water. Then smooth it and boil the resulting liquid again to one third of the volume. Mix and drink this syrup when consumed.

Orange syrup or syrup
Combine 2 g of lemon juice or orange juice with 2 g of sugar over medium heat. Dilute it and drink it when used. This syrup not only relieves thirst, it also strengthens the heart and brain and prevents burns in the body.

Lemon syrup lip

Pour some sugar into a bowl and squeeze fresh lemon juice over it. Then keep the mixture in a closed container overnight at normal temperature. Next, smooth it and continue warming it with some more lemon juice. When used with water, dilute and drink the syrup. In addition to quenching thirst, lemon syrup also eliminates burnt sodium and thick, lean syrups, so its continued use helps maintain health.
5 Crushed eggs cooked in liquid butter
Soak eggplants in butter and place in the open air or on the stove or any other indirect heat to dry. Then add the yogurt again and let it dry. Repeat this action 2 to 3 times. Now the crab eggs are ready to eat. You can powder it and pour it into it or add it to the drinks above.

If the horse's weight is declining,

Your veterinarian should seek such information. If the horse's weight is declining, the vet may recognize that the horse is not capable of chewing long forage due to its age, even with healthy teeth. Forage has very high fiber that helps the horse weight. Normally a horse loses its teeth as time goes by and as it ages.

That's why horses can't easily digest. Horse-fed foods will not have high fiber and fiber levels, thus reducing horse weight. Of course, a horse should receive fiber twice as much as twice its weight in a year.

Horses may develop certain diseases such as diarrhea, colic and fever, which can also lead to weight loss. Of course, there are diseases that have no symptoms. As a horse grows older, its teeth become worn out and it will be difficult for them to grind food. Weight can be measured by measuring the length of the horse's body.

70% of domestic cats sleep

70% of domestic cats sleep

The growth rate of cats in the early years of their lives is equal to 6 years of human growth. In the second year, the growth rate of a cat will be the same as that of a 6-year-old human. But then the growth every year of a cat's life will equate to the growth of almost seven years of a human's life. Cats can rotate their eyes 2 degrees. In the largest cat breed, the average weight of a male cat is approximately 5 kg. The average cat's hearing is at least five times stronger than the average human's. Domestic cats spend about 2 percent of their day sleeping and spending the other 5 percent of their day being beautiful.

A cat cannot see directly under its nose. Most cats have no eyelashes. Cats have 2 fingers on each paw and 2 fingers on the back. Of course it's not strange to have more fingers. The cat with the highest number of fingers is a cat with 2 fingers, with 2 fingers on each toe.

Tuesday 13 August 2019

A cure for joint pain

A cure for joint pain

  Knee pain and joint pain are a common disorder that most people, especially older people, have experienced at least once. There are many ways to treat these disorders, but one of the most common is the use of cinnamon powder. To make a joint pain relievers remedy, combine three teaspoons of powdered powder with a glass of milk and a spoonful of honey and take a glass of it daily between meals to relieve pain and weakness in the joints in particular. Knee healing.

Introducing a delicious drink after exercise!

Introducing a delicious drink after exercise!

Some nutritionists recommend drinking cocoa milk after exercise; drinking cocoa milk after exercise will have a significant impact on maintaining body health and rehabilitation after exercise. Using cocoa milk doubles your body's water, moisture and minerals and revitalizes body cells. While exercising, the human body sweats a lot and loses water, which can do a lot of damage if left unaddressed, but cocoa milk can greatly reduce this moisture loss and re-hydrate the body.

Amazing properties of black pepper you didn't know

Amazing properties of black pepper you didn't know

Most traditional medicine practitioners recommend adding black pepper to foods; adding this popular spice can help you lose weight and restore health and vitality to your skin; adding this spice reduces the risk of cancer and can improve brain health Guarantee you. Black pepper is one of the most commonly used drugs to relieve cough and it can reduce joint pain and improve inflammation in the body;

Monday 12 August 2019

Diet to have a boy

Diet to have a boy

To conceive, women should consume sodium, high in potassium, for two to three months before pregnancy, and avoid calcium and magnesium-containing foods, and continue this diet until pregnancy is positive; Dairy consumption should be minimized, with mothers increasing the consumption of high-fat foods and legumes.

Recommended to eat dried fruits as they are high in potassium, dried figs, dates, apricot leaves, dried plums and raisins help to retard, as well as unsweetened sweet foods (honey, candy) , Candy) increases sperm motility and increases the likelihood of having a son.

So easily your stomach grows!

So easily your stomach grows!

Many people chew gum to control their appetite or stress, and always have gum with them, but there are some side effects, including abdominal bloating; By the way, artificial sweeteners also increase your appetite for jelly beans, so don't be surprised if we associate your chewing gum habit with your waist circumference.