Wednesday 14 August 2019

best drinks for summer 2019

Non-alcoholic beer
Soak and heat the water 2 to 3 times with water. As soon as the barley is broken, remove from heat, strain it and drink half warm. This syrup has a great effect on quenching thirst and removes burnt and inappropriate sputum.

Barberry juice
Boil some dried barberry twice in 5 minutes in water. Then smooth it and boil the resulting liquid again to one third of the volume. Mix and drink this syrup when consumed.

Orange syrup or syrup
Combine 2 g of lemon juice or orange juice with 2 g of sugar over medium heat. Dilute it and drink it when used. This syrup not only relieves thirst, it also strengthens the heart and brain and prevents burns in the body.

Lemon syrup lip

Pour some sugar into a bowl and squeeze fresh lemon juice over it. Then keep the mixture in a closed container overnight at normal temperature. Next, smooth it and continue warming it with some more lemon juice. When used with water, dilute and drink the syrup. In addition to quenching thirst, lemon syrup also eliminates burnt sodium and thick, lean syrups, so its continued use helps maintain health.
5 Crushed eggs cooked in liquid butter
Soak eggplants in butter and place in the open air or on the stove or any other indirect heat to dry. Then add the yogurt again and let it dry. Repeat this action 2 to 3 times. Now the crab eggs are ready to eat. You can powder it and pour it into it or add it to the drinks above.

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