Thursday 28 May 2020

Therapeutic benefits of cucumber for the skin 2020

Cucumbers have many properties, but some have mistakenly ruled out the existence of this delicious fruit from their diet list. It is interesting to know that people who are very thirsty or have kidney problems, especially kidney stones or constipation, it is better to use cucumber during the day.

Experts recommend that people avoid consuming it late at night due to the intensification of urination. Water makes up 95% of cucumbers, so consuming it to quench your thirst. Cucumber skin contains a lot of vitamin C, and consuming its decoction continuously and three days in a row will be an effective remedy for jaundice.

Therapeutic benefits of cucumber for the skin

Peeling a cucumber ring and placing it on the skin will eliminate facial wrinkles. If you are one of those people who suffer from oily skin, boil the cucumber and wash your face with boiled cucumber juice.

Dermatologists claim that cucumber ointment is very important to prevent itching, bee stings, superficial burns and skin irritations. People with sunburn should put cucumber ointment on their skin and lubricate it with olive oil to save them from this problem.

Cucumber seeds are soothing, hypnotic, anti-worm, blood purifier, turmeric, urate solvent, uric acid and polish; Its extract also works wonders to improve gastrointestinal disorders, improve poisoning and relieve nausea.

Eating cucumbers before meals helps to better digest it. Nutritionists recommend consuming vegetables to lactating women, but be careful that these vegetables, especially cucumbers, do not cause bloating and gastrointestinal pain in children.

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