Many reporters are aware of the need to use fruits and vegetables in their daily diet, but many do not like to eat these foods, especially vegetables, but we We introduce an easy solution that not only provides useful nutrients to your body but also has many benefits.
Instructions for drinking summer tasting and weight loss
This vibrant summer drink of the brain has many properties, some of which are listed below.
Cucumber contains anti-inflammatory flavonoids that can help maintain your brain's health and tissue and prevent Alzheimer's disease.
95% of cucumber is water and helps to hydrate your body and is effective in weight loss because it has very little caloric content.
Spinach contains a large amount of iron that is essential for maintaining muscle health, as well as the transfer of oxygen in the body, and also contains compounds that act as an appetite suppressant and help reduce appetite.
Green tea, especially the type of mascha, contains many antioxidants that can resist your body from harm caused by free radicals, it also boosts your metabolism and plays a vital role in dehydration and fat burning. .