Monday 7 August 2017

Shampoo cleanses fats and surface

Shampoo cleanses fats and surface contaminants while washing your body or hair without leaving any harm to your hair or skin.

The director of the Food and Drug Administration's Food and Drug Administration explained that the effect of the shampoo on the skin and hair is a superficial effect that does not have any absorption or a deep effect on them, so hair after a wash should be Glossy, natural, free of dandruff, whitish or fragile.

She said: Shampoos can, in addition to the cleansing agent, also have a smoother texture for the most delicate hair, and the most common type of shampooing is based on the cleansing power of a variety of normal, dry hair types.

The breeder considered the transparency and lack of any external and uniform ingredients to be a physical characteristic of a shampoo. "A good shampoo, if properly packed and kept in a standard condition, is unlikely to have an unpleasant odor, and the other characteristics of a shampoo are washed off." It's easy to see on the skin and between the hair and the lack of sensitivity to the skin and hair.

He added: "Other qualities like the pleasant color and smell, the effect of hair brightening and easy combing of wet hair, signs of a shampoo can be used.

The deputy director of the Food and Drug Administration's Food and Drug Administration, Food and Drug Administration, warned about the use of non-genuine products, saying, "Such products can cause excessive lipid secretion in the hair and skin, as well as stimulate the eyes and skin, and undesirable effects." Put on the skin, hair and eyes.

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