Wednesday 9 August 2017

How to be relax in your life

How to relax in life?
The secret of inner peace is to accept everything as it is, then walk with hope and calm to recover.
How to relax in life? According to the healthcare journalist at the Young Scientists' Clinical Department, the calmness of thought is not a problem in life, it is the ability to cope with problems; the belief that others are friends we know from ourselves, from judgments Not making ourselves or others for the mistakes we make, and the everyday thinking that makes us feel unconditional love for something bigger than ourselves.

In the machine world today, everyone from morning to night is kind of engaging in their everyday routines to have a better life and a handful of people who do not say this: "I'm not calm"

In the past not so long ago, there were no livelihoods in the present, people lived with each other more intimate and happy, and despite all the shortcomings, they enjoyed their lives, but today, with many amenities that are in every class of society People are not happy with their lives, and even if they remind them of theirs, they say: "What is the use when I'm not calm?"

Marjan Mohammadian, Ph.D. in General Psychology, pointing out that too many reasons can make people calm down, "Any disorder in the physical or mental field can eliminate calm and if it is assumed that there is no general disorder in the general condition, But there is no peace. The first factor that causes people to lose their peace is to create gaps in their goals.

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