Tuesday 8 August 2017

health benefits of mulberries

Mulberries, often referred as ‘Shahtoot‘ in Hindi, ‘Kambali Pandu‘ in Telugu, ‘Mucukkattaip palam’ in Tamil, ‘Hippunerale‘ in Kannada, ‘Shetur‘ in Guajrati, ‘Tutee‘ in Marathi and ‘Shatut‘ in Punjabi are delicious and nutritious berries that are enjoyed by people all over the world.  Mulberries are produced from Morus Alba Tree. It is a naturally sweet fruit that looks quite similar to blackberry and tastes like grapefruit. Mulberry grows on trees and is cultivated in warm regions of Asia, Africa and America. There are several varieties of Mulberries which include red, black and blue versions of the fruit. Mulberry fruit is usually eaten in a dried form. It is a versatile fruit and can be easily integrated in various recipes.

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