Saturday, 5 August 2017

According to the WHO, diabetes and heart disease are among the deadliest diseases.

The world's deadliest diseases + Infographic
According to the WHO, diabetes and heart disease are among the deadliest diseases.
The body of the human being is always exposed to lethal diseases, according to a reporter at the Clinic of the Medical School of Medicine at the Young Journalists Club. Some of these factors are controlled and turned off by the immune system. Others can be cured by using different medications and preventing many of them by choosing the right lifestyle.

High blood pressure, if left unchecked, leads to stroke and heart failure, and overeating and the use of prepared and salty foods and immobilization are the most important reasons for increased blood pressure.

Feeling frequent urination in the night, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, nausea, feet swelling and fatigue are the most common symptoms of hypertension that some drugs also have high blood pressure.

Diabetes is caused by the body's ability to produce or use insulin. Insulin is a substance produced by the pancreas and its role is to use sugar as the largest source of energy for the body.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes. The body does not produce enough insulin, or the cells ignore the amount of insulin they produce.

The rate of type 2 diabetes in the United States has doubled in the last decade, with about 26 million American citizens now suffering from the disease. Therefore, there is always a need for complementary and natural strategies to control and control the disease.

The most common symptoms of diabetes are hunger in most cases, thirst, frequent urination and weight loss. American researchers have shown that most people with diabetes are depressed, and in fact depression is a dangerous and lethal disease, leading to early death.

1 comment:

  1. Three months ago I constantly had to go to the bathroom. I thought it was because I gave up soft drinks and was only drinking water. One day I had a stomachache. I was in bed for 4 days. The doctor's appointment was for a Wednesday. I got sick and went to emergency room on a Monday. I was told my blood sugar level was 810 and I have diabetes. Since then, I eat better, take better care of myself and went from 260 to 220 lbs.and was thirsty all the time. One day I got extremely sick, could not keep anything down, had blurry vision, a rapid heartbeat, and began hyperventilating. taking metformin 1000 mg twice daily. I am writing this to inform others that nothing was really working to help my condition.I went off the metformin (with the doctor’s knowledge) and started on Diabetes herbal formula i ordered from Health Herbal Clinic, my symptoms totally declined over a 5 weeks use of the Diabetes natural herbal formula. i am now doing very well, Visit there website www. healthherbalclinic. net or email Info@ healthherbalclinic. net
