Friday 23 November 2018

Spices for regulating blood glucose

Spices for regulating blood glucose

The capsaicin in pepper helps improve blood vessel function and can normalize blood pressure, which helps maintain blood flow throughout the body, especially the hands and feet that may have problems due to high blood sugar. Capecine is also a topical dermatologist, and capsaicin-containing creams relieve the pain associated with diabetic neuropathy (neuropathic and angioedema). It has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

Red pepper enhances metabolism and speeds up burning energy 2 hours after a meal. It also has anti-cancer properties and is useful for treating it. In a study, people with diabetes who eat pepper-containing foods need less insulin after a meal to lower their blood glucose levels.


Cinnamon leads to an increase in the metabolism of sugar in the cell and helps lower blood sugar levels. In addition, cinnamon is great for lowering high cholesterol levels, which is basically another problem with diabetes. Daily intake of cinnamon helps regulate glucose and also plasma glucose, and it's great for people like diabetics who need to control their glycemic index.


This spice contains curcumin, an active ingredient with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and improves blood flow.


It is known for its effects on digestion and absorption, anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory effects. Ginger improves insulin sensitivity, decreases oxidation and improves cholesterol; ginger has an effect on long-term control of blood glucose in people with type 2 diabetes.

Gingerholm, one of the most active compounds in ginger, can increase glucose uptake by insulin-free muscle cells and is therefore effective in regulating and controlling glycemic control.

Fenugreek seeds

Fenugreek seed is rich in soluble fiber, which helps reduce blood sugar by slow down digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. This spice attribute is effective in treating people with diabetes.

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