Wednesday 6 September 2017

The Impact of Job Stress on Life + Infographics

The Impact of Job Stress on Life + Infographics
Increased heart attacks and depression are considered to be complications of occupational stress.
The concept of occupational stress is often confused with the challenge, but the implications are not the same, according to the reporter at the Clinic of the Young Scientists' Club. The challenge is physically and psychologically energetic and motivates people to learn new skills and become proficient in their jobs. When people overcome the challenge, they feel satisfied, and this is important for healthy and fruitful work. When they say: "A bit of stress is good for you," they often mean a challenge.

What is job stress and why?

In this case, there is a consensus that occupational stress occurs because of the interaction between the employee and the working conditions. But what about the main cause of job stress, the views are different; employee characteristics are more important or working conditions? This distinction is important because they are reacting different ways in terms of reducing and preventing stress in work.

Some believe that individual differences, such as personality and tolerance skills, are the most important factors in predicting whether certain specific working conditions are stressful. What is stressful for a person may not be annoying to someone else. This belief suggests that the methods of preventing occupational stress should focus on employees and ways to help them cope with difficult working conditions.

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