Wednesday 13 September 2017

Amazing Tomato Properties on the Health of the Heart and Beauty of the Skin + Infographics

Amazing Tomato Properties on the Health of the Heart and Beauty of the Skin + Infographics
Tomato consumption and its products have many benefits to heart health, skin beauty and cancer prevention.
According to the correspondent of the Clinic of the Medical Science Group, 95% of tomatoes and 5% of the remaining are carbohydrates and fiber.

The tomato contains vitamin C and supplies approximately 28% of the body's daily requirement for this vitamin.

Potassium is one of the minerals in tomatoes that is useful for controlling blood pressure and preventing coronary artery disease.

Vitamin K is essential for coagulation and bone health in tomatoes.

 This nutrient contains vitamin B9, which is essential for normal growth of the tissues and function of the cells and its use in pregnant women becomes more important.

Tomatoes and its products have many benefits to health, helping the heart, beauty of the skin and preventing cancer from the benefits of using this food.

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