Friday 11 August 2017

Know more about diabetes + infographic

Know more about diabetes + infographic
One of the most common diseases of the last century is diabetes, which is a dangerous consequence of why the cause, Ala
The diabetes with the same diabetes disease that, unfortunately, afflicted by many, is a metabolic disorder and metabolism in the body, through which the ability to produce insulin in the body disappears, according to the reporter at the Department of Clinics of the Young Scientists Group. Or, the opposite is insulin resistance in the body, resulting in insulin production can not perform its normal function.

Types of diabetes

There are three types of diabetes, type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes, also known as adolescent diabetes, is usually diagnosed primarily in children, then in adolescents and adults. In this type of diabetes, beta cells of the pancreas do not produce insulin because the immune system has attacked and destroyed these cells.

Type 2 diabetes, also known as adult diabetes, is the most common type of disease. About 90% to 95% of diabetics have type 2 diabetes.

Checklist tests by physicians are designed to diagnose and treat diabetes before complications of diabetes, in addition to early diagnosis of pre-diabetes and timely treatment, which can prevent type 2 diabetes or start it at People are susceptible to delay.

Symptoms of diabetes

Increased urination, increased thirst, weight loss without cause (only occurs in type 1 diabetes, and type 2 diabetes is not seen), fatigue, blurred vision, increased hunger, and poor wound healing.

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